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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Sylvina reco sur ton spot J'ARRIVE !
  2. J'aime quand on fait les questions et les réponses. Au fait, je cherchais Sylvina pour la DIVERTIR parce que les drakes c'est trop long, je réessaie plus tard =)
  3. C'est toi qui ne lis pas. Arrête de chouiner et va aux zones indiquées ou reste sur tes drakes. Voilà pourquoi les femmes ne devraient pas avoir le droit de vote
  4. Bracelet de force d’ogre Quest Find NPC Une riche bijoutière, located in an eastern house at. Say bracelet and she will offer to trade one bracelet de force d’ogre for 5 certificats d’honneur. Just say oui to complete the trade. Reward : 5 certificats d’honneur
  5. Scalps de bravoure for hardcores Quest Careful, you must have a hardcore character to complete this quest. Go to NPC, the potion seller on Hyperion. Say bravoure then scalp and he will offer to trade 1 un scalp de bravoure for 5 000 000 XP. Reward : 5 milliions XP
  6. Ultimate combat sense spell Quest To complete this quest, you must have the major and minor combat sense spells. Go to NPC Merlin, located on Carnage island or any family island. Say spécial and he will mention a very special spell which he has just conjured, and which he might teach you in exchange for a few items. Say items and he will ask for the following items : - Une robe féérique - Une tiare royale - Un diadème arcanique royal d’origine (you can trade your skinned diadème arcanique royal for a standard one via NPC Une riche bijoutière at Stonecrest). - Un costume d’immunité -
  7. Goblin mask quest Collect a masque gobelin, looted by the gobelins or the Gobeline, and bring it to Alwin, located in a pen next to the goblin bridge. Say travail and he will explain he collects goblins masks to sell them back to the highest bidder. Say masque brun or masque bleu and he will offer to trade it for 50000 gold pieces. Reward : 50000 gold pieces
  8. Débris de pierres précieuses Quest Go to NPC Une riche bijoutière, located in an eastern house at Stonecrest. Say débris and she will ask you to bring her the following elements to manufacture your débris : - Un anneau de l’onyx - Un cœur de jafo - Un collier de pierres de sang - Un anneau du forestier - Un anneau de pierres de lune - Un bracelet orque - Un collier d’orque rudimentaire Once these in hand, say fabriquer and she will give you your débris. Reward : Débris de
  9. 10 certificats d'honneur Quest Find NPC Une riche bijoutière, located in an eastern house at Stonecrest. Say éclat and she will offer to trade 2 éclats ultimes for 10 certificats d'honneur. Just say oui and proceed to trade. Reward : 10 certificats d’honneur
  10. Transformation into the new skinned red robe Quest With this quest, you will be able to change the skin of your manteau hivernal, cape des âges, manteau des éléments, cape des brumes de minuit or manteau des bénédictions infinies. Here is the new skin for theses robes : Female : Ho Male : Ho To do so, go to NPC Capribus, located in a house on Carnage island. Say métier then apparence and he will offer to modify the skin of one of your robes in exchange for a débris de pierres précieuses. With the débris in hand, choose
  11. Hardcore human aura Quest To complete this quest, you must be a hardcore human, at least level 100, and have human aura. Go to NPC Casimir, located in a mini-temple east of Carnage island. When you start a conversation with him, he will offer rightaway to reward you if you bring him 50 000 000 gold pieces and that you demonstrate your bravery by killing the Immondice des Âges. If you can't kill it, an alternate quest is available with NPC Cousco le troqueur (keyword immondice). Once the money is in your hands and the Immondice assassinated, talk to Casimir and h
  12. Assassination of Immondice des Âges Quest If a particular quest requires from you to kill the Immondice des Âges but you can't quite do it, no worries ! Go to NPC Cousco le troqueur, located in a house on Carnage island. Say immondice and he will offer to bash her brains out i exchange for the modest sum of 2 débris elfiques. Collect them via the débris elfique quest, then say immondice again and you will see a blue message confirming the Immondice is dead. Reward : Assassination of Immondice des Âges, required in several quests
  13. Manteau des éléments dyeing Quest Go to NPC Capribus, located in a house on Carnage island. Say métier then robes then manteau des éléments and he will offer to dye your manteau des éléments in 3 differents colors : vert(green), noir (black) ou blanc.(white). To do so, Capribus will ask you to bring one manteau des éléments, 2 000 000 gold pieces along with one nécessaire de production. Reward : Dyeing of your manteau des éléments
  14. Access to the Archipelago (level 160 and more) Quest This is a farming quest and thus requires little more than items only. Go to NPC Grand maître de l’archipel, located in a southern house at Stonecrest. Say prix then liste and he will give you the list of items he needs to give you the key to the Carnage Archipelago. Please note that the level 160+ quest is a lot more costly than the 159- one. celui-ci vous donnera la liste des items requis afin qu’il vous remette la clef de l’Archipel de Carnage. The first series of items required is as follow (say liste again once you have t
  15. Access to the Archipelago (level 159 and less) Quest This is a farming quest and thus requires little more than items only. Go to NPC Petit maître de l’archipel, located in a southern house at Stonecrest. Say prix then liste and he will give you the list of items he needs to give you the key to the Carnage Archipelago. Please note that the level 159- quest is a lot cheaper than the 160+ one. celui-ci vous donnera la liste des items requis afin qu’il vous remette la clef de l’Archipel de Carnage. The first series of items required is as follow (say liste again once you have the i
  16. Hi everyone ! Allow me to introduce the first part of the update which we've been working on for weeks. This is a content update, not a client update (Kharn is currently working on the client to deliver it asap and with no bugs). Here comes all the new stuff ! New quests - Quête d'accès à l'archipel de Carnage level 159 et moins - Quête d'accès à l'archipel de Carnage level 160 et plus - Quête de la coloration du manteau des éléments - Quête de l'assassinat de l'Immondice des Ages - Quête de l'aura humaine pour hardcore - Quête de transformation de la nouvelle robe rouge skinnée - Qu
  17. Maleik je t'ai connu plus marrant que ça, l'accent qc-concon ça te va pas du tout
  18. J'ai voté orque pour vous faire chier
  19. Pedro je sais pas qui t'es mais je te recommande pour la médaille du courage
  20. Sinon vous montez level 50 en contractant un prêt de crânes auprès de bibi (avec intérêt), puis ZO jusqu'à épuisement.
  21. Oui c'est ce que rétorquent les dingues et les simples d'esprit en général.
  22. On lave pas son linge sale en public. Sujet à fermer, reports à envoyer et à traiter par Kharn.
  23. Je me permets de m'arrêter sur cette phrase collector qui cristallise tout : - ton niveau intellectuel - ton appréciation des nombres - ta propension à mentir - ta rage de perdre T'es qui ig qu'on se marre ?
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