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Posts posted by Shadow

  1. Je me permets d'up ce vieux post pour reposer cette question : à quand une modif pour empêcher de parler au pnj pour sortir des enfers ?

    Manifestement tout le monde est d'accord pour dire que c'est illogique.


    Une réponse GM serait appréciée.

  2. Un truc illogique des enfers, c'est que pour parler au dragon et sortir, même avec l'épée c'est bon, tandis qu'atzeks c'est grillé le pnj bloque jusqu'à ce qu'elle s'enlève, ça devrait être la même pour les deux non ?


    Bon point.


    Je me permets d'up ce vieux post pour reposer cette question : à quand une modif pour empêcher de parler au pnj pour sortir des enfers ?

    Manifestement tout le monde est d'accord pour dire que c'est illogique.

  3. Every year, Easter is the opportunity for us to go egg hunting, and stuff ourselves with tasty chocolate.

    This year, Carnage is concerned about your diet and will only make you chase after virtual eggs, this Sunday evening April 20th, from 9pm GMT+1/ 3pm GMT-5, to Monday, April 21st (24-hour duration).



    The beginning :


    A portal located on the Ile de Carnage (Carnage island) will take you to the Ile de Paques (Easter island).

    For you to join the event, your character needs to :


    - Have a moderation level below 2

    - Be under or exactly level 50, seraph or human / hardcore or not


    Goal of the event :


    Once on the island, you will need to gather eggs which are droppable by the zboubis. These monsters are killable with a spell that you can learn for free from Zboubi Léo, located on the Ile de Carnage near the pond.


    What you need to know :


    - The island is a PVP ON area. The only PVP OFF area is the town.

    - The eggs have no weight.

    - The eggs will not be droppable.

    - The portal will dispell the characters.

    - You will encounter some coffres surprises (surprise chests) which have a chance of dropping exclusive new Easter items.

    - During this period, you might randomly come across the Lapin de Pâques (Easter bunny) which will ask you various riddles, that can grant you eggs or surprise chests. Be careful, if you fail, the bunny might also decide to invoke the infamous Easter monster which will try to exterminate you !


    The rewards :


    - 1 oeuf de Pâques (Easter egg) can be traded for 100 000 gold pieces via NPC Léo.

    - 5 oeuf de Pâques (Easter egg) can be traded for 1 certificat d'honneur via NPC Léo

    -  Surprise chests containing monnaie funeste, oeuf de Pâques, certificat d'honneur or exclusive Easter items



    Here is the link to see the Top Zboubi Killer, who will deserve the skinned item of their choice (any item, provided it can be skinned, so that excludes jewelry), along with 20 tokens ! http://www.t4c-carna...eilleurs/Zboubi

    The 2nd and 3rd top zboubi killers will be awarded a consolation prize of 10 tokens and 5 tokens respectively.


    Nota : Tokens are a currency used in the Carnage shop ; 1 token is worth 1 euro.


    All Carnage staff wishes you happy Easter holidays and hope your egg hunt will be fruitful.

  4. Bonjour,


    Un nouveau problème, récurrent :


    Parfois quand j'ouvre le launcher, message d'erreur "Could not open, Defaut configuration loaded", et là tous mes comptes disparaissent, ou bien une partie, ou aucun...


    Un autre problème lié, je pense :


    Je reco un perso, toutes les macros ont disparu.


    Je pensais que c'était lié à un mon manque d'espace sur C:, mais ça n'a rien changé en tout cas aux macros.

    Ma config : Windows 7, 16 bits, un clavier, une souris, un thermos de café


    Qué pasa ?

  5. Pour, ces items ont vocation à être portés régulièrement, donc il faut qu'ils se généralisent un peu.

    D'autre part, les animations sont assez exclusives (temps de jeu, équipes dominantes), donc il faut laisser sa chance au casual.

  6. Merry Christmas all !


    The long-awaited moment has come to unveil our Christmas event ! You will find below the necessary instructions for you to carry out the Christmas quest.


    The beginning


    Meet on the île de Carnage (Carnage island) where a Christmas portal will be placed near the teleport.

    For you to join the event, your character needs to :

    - Have a moderation level below 2

    - Be under or exactly 100, seraph or human (mobs on the island do not give XP)


    If you fit this profile, use the portal which will get you on l'île de Glace (the icy island). Once there, you will find 2 NPCs, la mère Noël (miss Santa) and un gourmand (a big eater). Speak to miss Santa and she will explain that this year, her husband is too busy to celebrate Christmas with her. However, she would like someone to help her fix the Christmas buffet. Say Noelaider and buffet and she will ask you to bring her the components of a good Christmas feast, and will offer to reward you thereafter.


    Before you stands a wooden maze. Inside this maze, malicious leprechauns will try to prevent you from progressing or reaching the surprise chests. The surprise chests hold new Christmas items, and the leprechauns will drop some too. Get through the maze and you will reach a first island filled with crazy chefs.


    The first island is PVP OFF. Through this island, you may reach the second island filled with loony cooks, this island is PVP ON. The crazy chefs and loony cooks will drop every component you need for your Christmas meal, which are :

    Verre de vin rouge de Noel (Glass of Christmas red wine)

    - Verre de vin blanc de Noel (Glass of Christmas white wine)

    - Bonne grosse bière froide de Noel (Good old Christmas cold beer)

    - Dinde de Noel (Christmas turkey)

    - Pain de Noel (Christmas bread)

    - Pilon de poulet de Noel (Christmas chicken drumstick)

    - Panier de fruits de Noel (Christmas fruit basket)

    - Saucisse cocktail de Noel (Christmas cocktail sausage)


    What you need to know



    - On the PVP ON island, the drop rate of those items is slightly higher.

    - Items are droppable. In case you trade them, make sure no one rips you off, the item must bear the "Noel" (Christmas) wording, else it's a fake.

    - The ingredients have no weight.

    - The bridge between the two islands is a PVP OFF area.

    - The chefs/cooks have a low chance of dropping certificats d'honneur (honour certificates)


    Goal of the event


    Get hold of one copy of each ingredient and bring them to miss Santa. If you have extras, keep them, they will be useful later. Say buffet to miss Santa, and she will take your food but will leave the turkey in your inventory. She will explain that a good Christmas turkey must be stuffed, and will send you to her friend Plutus, who works at the Lighthaven tavern.


    Go see Plutus and say dinde and acheter. He will ask for certain items to pay for the stuffing of your turkey. Get hold of :

    - 2 monnaies funestes (2 deadly coins)

    - 5 philtres d'amour (5 love philters)

    - Un diamant de WH (one WH diamond)

    - Une paire d'ailes de chauves-souris putrides (one pair of decaying bat wings)

    - Une potion d’héroïsme (one potion of heroism)


    With those items in hand, say acheter again and he will turn you turkey into a dinde farcie aux marrons (a stuffed turkey with chestnuts), which is not droppable.


    Back at miss Santa's, say dinde and she will offer to reward you with either an anneau hivernal or a bracelet hivernal (winter ring or winter bracers).


    Anneau hivernal : +50 intelligence, +50 dodge, +15 dark power,  +5 to all powers (except light power), +10 AC (enhanced spider ring)

    Bracelet hivernal : +25 strength, +25 agility, +25 endurance, +50 attack, +50 archery, +15 AC (enhanced armband of vigor)


    Parallel quest


    You have extra ingredients for the Christmas feast ? You have two options !


    First, sell them to other players. Second, go see the NPC Un gourmand, located at the teleport spot on the icy island. Say manger and he will offer to trade 10 items of the same kind (so 10 turkeys or 10 breads or 10 beers etc.) against 1 certificat d'honneur. You can't mix item kinds !


    The end


    The event will end on Tuesday, January 7th 2014. You may carry out the quest only once per character. In case of misuse, item drop rates may be changed at any moment by staff members.

    Any bug abuse will be punished. Should you find a bug, you would have to alert us as soon as possible in order to limit the damage.

















  7. Je pense en effet que ce ne serait pas forcement le mieux dans le sens où tout le monde pourrait tout avoir, ce qui donnerait des templates du type 250 300 590 102 114 pour un archer par exemple.



    Moi je suis pour, il me manque quelques spells merci !

  8. Salut Galla,


    Toi qui es grand patron d'une boîte cotée en bourse, j'ai du mal à concevoir que tu tiennes absolument à passer tes soirées à organiser des animations dénuées d'intérêt et de participants.

    Les plus malsains y verraient une énième manifestation de ta tendance au status-whoring, mais bien heureusement je n'en fais pas partie.

  9. Parce que t'as des racines normandes, Luke.

    Ou bien que t'as répondu en normand, i.e. ni ou ni non.


    Je n'ai pas d'avis tranché sur la question, parce que 6 8 ou 12 je sais m'adapter. Mais il me semble que le pvp était de meilleure qualité avant. Pour autant, le retour en arrière (à 8) ne signifiera pas la mort des indrops. Il faudrait coupler cela avec une mesure anti-indrop, à voir laquelle.

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